About 3.4 Million  Content Creator Demands  Accounts from OnlyFans in 10 Months, 500,000 Higher than 2022

About 3.4 Million  Content Creator Demands  Accounts from OnlyFans in 10 Months, 500,000 Higher than 2022

Even seven years after its launch, the OnlyFans user base continues surging with no signs of slowing down soon. Despite the criticism and controversies surrounding the platform’s main attraction, the adult content, the number of people who want to post content on OnlyFans is higher than ever.

According to dOnlyFans ata presented by OnlyAccounts.io, OnlyFans received 3.4 million requests for content creator accounts in ten months of the year, or 500,000 more than in the same period last year.

One of the main features that made OnlyFans stand out in the past years and contributed to its massive 40 million website visit count is the platform`s content monetization strategy given to performers.

OnlyFans creators can put their content entirely behind a paywall and allow access only to users who subscribe to their channel. They can create exclusive personalized content for users, monetize interactions like private conversations, text messages, and calls, and offer content packages on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. Content creators keep 80% of the revenue, and the remaining 20% goes to OnlyFans.

According to the OnlyFans Transparency report, the number of content creator account requests has never been higher. Between January and October, the platform received a jaw-dropping 3.48 million requests for content creator accounts or half a million more than in the same period a year ago. Between January and October 2022, the platform received around 2.9 million requests.

Still, only one-third of all account requests in 2023 have been approved. That means OnlyFans approved 1.18 million new content creator accounts in ten months of the year, almost the same as a year ago, pushing their total number to more than 4.2 million.

With more than 1.1 million new content creator accounts, the total number of content posts surged to all-time highs. According to a Transparency report, monthly content posts started rising significantly in 2023. After standing at roughly 23 million in January and February, the total number of posts hit 28.3 million in April and then jumped to almost 35 million in July.

After floating around 34 million in August and September, the monthly number of content posts jumped to 37.8 million in October, the highest number the platform has ever seen. Overall, OnlyFans creators posted almost 306.6 million pieces of content in ten months of the year or nearly 60% more than in the same period a year ago.


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