Technology Mirror

GTB Blocks Attempted Domain Compromise, Assures Customers of Fund safety

One of Nigeria’s financial houses GTBank has refuted claims that its website was not cloned but undergoing what it described as an “isolated incident of an attempt to compromise” the bank’s domain.

The bank’s website has been down since Wednesday night and inaccessible to customers, prompting fears of a data compromise.

But in a statement on Thursday, the financial institution said that it does “not store customer information on our website, and as such, there has been no instance of compromise of customer data”.

It assured all “our Customers and Stakeholders that the Bank’s website has not been cloned”.

“Our dedicated team of Information Security Experts is currently working round the clock to restore domain settings, and we can assure our customers that our website will be up shortly,” the bank said.

“We urge all our Customers to please disregard the claims in these media reports and assure you of our unwavering commitment to safeguarding customer data.”



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