NCC Strategic Vision Plan Enters Last Lap as Document Recounts Major Gains 

NCC Strategic Vision Plan Enters Last Lap as Document Recounts Major Gains 

The Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) strategic vision plan (SVP) that runs from 2023 to 2025 is on its last lap as it is expected to end this year.

The SVP is ending in year when the telecoms industry players are expecting an increase in telecoms tariff amid harsh economic clime and Government lip service towards securing telecoms infrastructure.

The NCC has a history of developing Strategic Management Plans dating back to 2002 when the first Strategic Plan was developed, contributing to the growth of the telecom industry.

This trend continued and it led to the development of the Strategic Management Plan 2020-2024 (SMP 2020-2024) as well as the Strategic Vision Plan 2021-2025 (SVP 2021-2025) which the Commission was running concurrently. In a bid to optimize resources (human, time, and funding), Management directed the inclusion of the SVP interventions in the SMP Action Plan.

Document from the NCC obtained by TechnologyMirror indicated that the Commission, after several consideration such as the similarities in structure and focus of both the SMP and SVP and other programmes geared to demonstrate Management’s strategic direction in the attainment of the Commission’s mandate, decided to merge the SMP 2020-2024 and SVP 2021-2025.

That led to the  harmonisation of the two strategic documents of the Commission i.e., the Strategic Management Plan 2020-2024 (SMP 2020-2024) and the Strategic Vision Plan 2021-2025 (SVP 2021-2025), the five pillars of the SMP 2020-2024 and five strategic visions of the SVP 2021-2025 were critically examined side-by-side to establish areas with existing similarities, and differences.

According to the NCC, the objectives of these pillars and vision were also closely examined to establish harmony on their intents.

Following from this, the Strategic Vision Plan was birthed with a life span from 2023-2025. After examination of both documents, the outcome gave rise to five  harmonized strategic pillars with their commentaries.

The harmonized objectives have also been incorporated into the Enterprise Scorecard under the Perspectives that speak to their goals. Below are the outcomes from the harmonization process:

Regulatory Excellence: Promote organizational renewal for operational efficiency and responsive regulations for stakeholder satisfaction.

Universal Broadband: Facilitate the deployment of infrastructure for ubiquitous broadband services for socio-economic development.

Market Development: Foster a competitive market that promotes innovation, usage of communications resources, and inclusive economic growth.

Digital Economy: Provision of effective regulation and targeted interventions that enhance QoS and QoE for a sustainable digital economy.

Strategic Collaboration: Enhance collaboration with industry, and other crosssector stakeholders for national development.

Assessing the performance of the SVP impact so far, the Commission observed that from a stakeholders’ perspective, there was improved quality of service with more satisfied consumers satisfied stakeholders, and that has also been an increased broadband penetration.

Reflecting gross domestic product (GDP), the NCC stated that there was an increased contribution to GDP, more competitive telecom industry, more financially stable industry and viable innovations that were promoted.

And on its stewardship as a regulator, the document revealed that viable innovations are promoted
through increased access to fund, increased revenue and more effective management of financial resources.

Similarly, on the stakeholder collaboration and synergy the NCC SVP document revealed a more satisfied stakeholders, reduced incidences of multiple regulation, reduced incidences of cyber security and data breaches and incidences of vandalism.


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