Whether you’re new to investing in cryptocurrency, still trying to get your head around currency that can’t be stashed in your wallet, or a seasoned trader, chances are you’ll appreciate a tool that can make investment even easier.
That’s why Binance, the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchange, has introduced Auto-Invest.
“We understand that many people regard the world of cryptocurrency bewildering and inaccessible. That’s why we’re always looking for ways to simplify it,” said Nadeem Anjarwalla, Country Manager for Binance in East and West Africa.
This is where Auto-Invest comes in. A tool which makes it possible to automate crypto purchases, investors are able to build their crypto currencies in just three easy steps: first, they choose which crypto they would most like to invest in.
Then, they create a plan to buy this currency – although they’re also able to add a number of different currencies to their purchase.
The next step sees them selecting a recurring cycle, based on how often they wish to purchase (daily, weekly, bi-weekly or monthly)-and then, it’s time to sit back and watch that portfolio grow. All of this can be executed in minutes on the Binance app, or by logging on to your Binance account.
Anjarwalla explains that Auto-Invest currently supports more than 200 crypto assets, as well as a number of stablecoins and fiat currencies.
“The tool functions according to a dollar-cost averaging strategy,” he said. Once a currency has been selected, Binance will make your purchase, then deposit it in your BNB Vault (if you are purchasing Binance Coins) or Simple Earn Flexible Products account (for other currencies). You can create as many Auto-Invest plans as you wish, and plans can be edited or even erased as necessary.
Plus, for those who are serious about building their crypto wealth, the Auto-Invest Index-Linked Plan makes it possible to automate purchases of all currencies on the Binance CoinMarketCape Top 10 Equal-Weighted Index.
“This is the easiest, most stress-free way to invest in crypto,” Anjarwalla promises. “Once you’ve set up your plan, your work is done. You don’t have to watch the charts or time the market – Auto-Invest does it all for you, so that you can sit back and enjoy watching your wealth grow.”