Technology Mirror
Govts & MDAs Must Take Cybersecurity Serious in 2024, ZTE Corporation Warns

Govts & MDAs Must Take Cybersecurity Serious in 2024, ZTE Corporation Warns

ZTE Corporation,  a global provider of ICT solutions, has unveiled the Cybersecurity White Paper 2023: Governance, Compliance, Openness, and Transparency. This white paper outlines ZTE’s security governance architecture and security assurance system, placing a strong emphasis on effective governance methods and industry best practices.

With the evolution of digital technologies, digital infrastructure assumes a crucial role in propelling social development and economic growth. Among these infrastructures, the telecommunications network stands out as a vital component, garnering unprecedented attention.

However, the surge in digitisation and connectivity has also led to heightened security risks. In response to these concerns, the industry and its stakeholders are collaboratively engaged in developing and implementing industry standards. Moreover, discussions on vulnerability response and co-ordinated vulnerability disclosure are under way, aiming to establish a comprehensive security assurance framework for manufacturers.

In this white paper, ZTE outlines its focus on in-depth improvements on the basis of product life cycle security controls. These improvements include applying security-by-design and security-by-default, third-party component (especially the open source component) management, incident response and vulnerability management, etc. Supported by continuously developing digital systems, ZTE’s security controls are effectively implemented and improved throughout the supply chain, R&D and delivery business processes.

As a global provider of integrated communications solutions, ZTE has the obligation and responsibility to comply with laws and regulations and industry standards to ensure the security of communications network equipment to the maximum extent. By providing secure and trustworthy products and services to customers across the globe, ZTE enables secure and reliable network connections and digital life for users worldwide.

Security is a long journey that requires continuous improvement. With an open and transparent attitude in mind, ZTE welcomes external independent security verification and is willing to communicate and co-operate closely with operators, regulatory authorities, partners and other stakeholders to continuously improve cyber security management and technical practices, jointly establish a secure and trustworthy cyber environment, and maintain security of the digital world.


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